
A trademark is a symbol or a sign which differentiates the goods and services of one business from another one

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A patent protects new inventions and covers how things work, what they do, how they do it, what they are made of and how they

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An Industrial Design is the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. The design may consist of three-dimensional features

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IPPRO is a mobile application designed to Register Trademarks, Patents and Designs in Nigeria using your mobile phone. This is to provide its users a more convenient way to file applications with the Trademarks, Patents and Designs Registry in Nigeria as it is linked to the Web portal currently situated


Trademarks, Patents and Design Registry

Trademarks, Patents and Designs can now be filed online in Nigeria

You can now file your industrial property applications online from the comfort for your office or home. Our automated filing system helps get your applications processed within the shortest possible time. You also receive your acknowledgement letter instantly and your acceptance document after 2 weeks if you have no issues.